Letter: Quetta Massacre

The aching memories of Hazara women when they were brutally killed in a passenger bus in broad daylight, and those of lawyers when on 8th August they were remorselessly massacred were yet to fade away. Then, ruefully, came the unfortunate 24th October, when Quetta bleeded again, families and well-wishers mourned again, and the 60 men who were to be our protectors fell prey to the devils of terrorism.
But, why is that so? Where are the government and security forces?
Who is accountable for the bloodbath that is time and again shedding in Quetta?
Quetta; which once was called as the mini Paris but now looks like an unlucky city of Syria and Iraq.
Aren’t these the consequences of policies that we have made to nurture some elements as our strategic assets?  Who now seems to have turned into proverbial Frankenstein’s monster and are waging the war against us.
It is the high time to do some introspection, and turn the things into the right direction. Otherwise, with this this selective approach towards militancy, we would be losing, mourning and blaming.
Zafar Ullah – Karachi
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